Tomorrow, January 12, is Brianna's birthday. She would have been 18. And she would have been so thrilled to be a legal adult. She really wanted to explore the world and all the wonder it offered. She was an adventurer at heart.
I am so happy she was born into our lives in 1990. She was a perfect daughter for me - artistic, funny, a great sense of humor and a little everywhere (sounds familiar). She was also a pack rat, just like me, and loved to try new things if it had anything to do with art. She was all girl - squealing, giggling and gushing, over friends, home and especially ideas in CRAFT magazine, online at Fred Flare and on her stencil chat group.
I hope to gather her two close friends, and John and Trevor, and with my close friend from Memphis here, we will make some little birds out of cut up soda cans. This was one of the ideas Brianna had pasted into her creative idea journal. And maybe I'll make some cake or brownies to celebrate the fact that she came into our lives, however short hers was. Happy Birthday my sweetheart. I love you forever.... Mom
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