I belong to an eBay group known as PFATT, or Primitive Folk Art Tea & Talk. And it was with great anticipation that we decided to bring back PFATT Tuesdays. This is an event that takes place once a month, on a Tuesday, with an art challenge of a specific theme. We all create something with that theme and list it on eBay on Tuesday. So to kick off the renewed PFATT Tuesday fun, Alice in PFATTland became the subject of our art.
In the midst of creating some spring time rabbits, I decided to turn one of these little guys into the worried, "I'm late, I'm late, I'm late!" rabbit of the classic tale. My mixed media doll is now listed on eBay and was such a delight to create! Head on over to read all the details and for more pictures.
Don't forget, you can use the search term "PFATT" in the eBay search window to find all the other Alice in PFATTland creations. We have some amazingly talented women in the group and you won't be disappointed with the artistic eye candy available. Down the rabbit hole we go!
This is adorable Iva. Hope all is well.
Posted by: Leticiia Kazemi | May 05, 2010 at 06:35 PM